5 People Who Cared and Nurtured Me: My mom, my aunt, my teachers, my dad, and my church community
Mom: I know my mother cared about me but growing up she worked alot and I spent most of my time with my aunt. My mom made me feel special by always going out her way and giving me something big on my birthday. That was her signature and that is what I remember the most.
Aunt: My aunt took me everywhere and taught me alot. She made me feel special because whatever I asked for she would give it to me.
My teachers: My teachers were very encouraging and made me feel special by going out of their way to keep me on track and reminding me of my talents.
My Dad: My dad was in prison most of my life, but he made me feel special by making sure that I knew I was loved and always being very encouraging and giving me advice about life.
My Church Community: My pastor was my active father figure while my dad was gone and other church members took me under their wings and guided me through lifes difficulties. I felt special because I spent a lot of time with my church members and to me they felt like extended family.
Each relationship that I had as a child still impacts my life because when difficult situations arise, it is the support and encouragement that I remember, and it motivates me to keep going. The difficult times that I went through with my mom working alot and my dad away, also impacts my life today. I work very hard to make sure that I am there for my children no matter what it takes. I know my parents did the best they could given their circumstances. However, I know the void that I felt at times and I don't want my children to have to experience that.
Thankfully, I experienced a tremendous amount of encouragement and support in my childhood; from members of my community. I realize that if these people had not been a part of my life, my life would have been a lot worse. I was taught early on that I could overcome negative circumstances and I know that to be true today. I am motivated by the impact that these people had on my life and I strive to help others in difficult situations, because I know personally how much it matters.