Saturday, October 27, 2012

Important Quotes

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” --Phil Collins

“Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.”  --Aristotle

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of becoming." -- Goethe

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Testing for Intelligence

I think that multiple assessments should be used in middle childhood children to assess their academic intelligence, achievements, and adaptation to environment development.  I think that multiple tests should be used because some levels of comprehension on different areas can be hard to assess properly with only one type of exam.
In India children are tested with assessments that measure literacy, numeracy, and additional skills to measure their development.  China is considered one of the largest education systems in the world and they also measure skills by assessment. Students spend years and months studying for the National Higher Education Entrance Exam ( Gao Kao). This exam lasts for two days and will strongly influence the future of the candidates. The gao kao, can determine the profession students will be able to pursue and which colleges the students will attend.
I have learned about different aspects of assessments and I have formed the opinion that I think assessments can be improved to be more inclusive than just academics because there are other important factors that affect a developing child which should be addressed. However, academic assessments are the only way to for educators to determine the level of a student’s comprehension over their educational material. It is vital in development assessment and researchers are working hard to improve skills tests.  

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stressors and Children

Natural Disasters

I remember when I was 9 years old there was a flood in my community. I didn't know how bad things were until I went to take a bath and there was no water. We would have to go and get water jugs from the national guard for about a week just to have clean water to use. This was the first moment in my life that I realized how it felt to go without something that you needed.

In Haiti, frequent natural disasters devastatingly affect school aged children and their development. Natural disasters and their effects on the community leave families struggling for necessitites and children stop going to school because their families don't have the means to send them. The circumstances in Haiti are very detrimental to these kids. There are many organizations governmental and non-governmental that are trying to help the communities get food and rebuild their farms so that families can eat, earn money, and children will not starve and also get a chance to have an education.

Global Press Institute. Frequent natural disasters devastate farmers, limit food supply in Haiti. 2012

        Retrieved from:

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mental health of mothers, fathers, and families in general

There are so many misconceptions about mental health and so many stressors in the world we live in today. I think mental health is very important for parents to be able to maintain a healthy living environment for their children and to nurture them. The mental health of children is vital because it affects their ability to learn and develop. I learned that mental health diseases are hard to diagnose not only in America but worldwide. Difficult diagnosis leads to a large number of people who need help that aren’t being treated. I also discovered in places like Brazil it is difficult to institutionalize people with severe mental health problems. Ignoring mental health issues can lead to violence and crime in any community and treatment is the very important, although, I think mental health can strongly be overlooked in any society because it is so hard to diagnose or recognize. I plan to definitely keep what I have learned in mind and look for warning signs in my family members and others who I come in contact with professionally, so that help and intervention can occur as soon as possible.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Day I Became a Mom

*       The birth of my first born took place in a hospital in my hometown, I went in at 6 in the morning and I was given medicine to induce my labor, it was a very long process and by 7 my body wasn’t making enough process so the medication was stopped to prevent overstressing the baby. The next morning the hospital staff and I began with the same routine and this time it worked. I received my epidural and about 2 hours later it was time to push, within 3 minutes I had given birth to my first daughter and my life was changed forever. I chose this experience because it was a huge milestone in my life and I was blessed with my first child. I think that I was very blessed to have a medical staff monitor the entire process and make sure that my daughter and I were safe from complications. Unfortunately, there are many women in third world countries that give birth with no doctors or nurses in unsanitary conditions and they risk the survival of themselves and their babies.  I think that stress during the birthing process and complications can lead to a loss of oxygen for the fetus and increase the risk for brain damage that can affect the child’s development negatively.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Educational Resources Websites

Dupage Aeyc/Dupage Association for the Education of Young Children
ECTA Journal: Educating Young Children Journal
NCEE Projects: National Library of Education
SERC/The State Education Resource Center

Friday, July 27, 2012

Course Resources

Part 1: Position Statements and Influential Practices

Part 2: Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being

Note: Explore the resources in Parts 3 and 4 in preparation for this week's Application assignment.

Part 3: Selected Early Childhood Organizations

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Quotes about early childhood education passion/motivation

Louise Derman-Sparks:

"Children are not succeeding because they are not given the tools they need not because they don't have the intelligence."

“The passion was that all children were taught in an environment that truly nurtured their ability to develop and grow.”

Sandy Escobido:

"We as professionals in the early childhood field have an opportunity to shape a child's life for the better."

Quotes from sectors of early childhood education innovators

Arthur Rolnick: “Every dollar spent on preschool produces a 12 percent real rate of return – a number that, in the private sector, would start a venture capital stampede.”
-- Art Rolnick, senior vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

“The best economic development strategy is investment in early childhood.”
-- Art Rolnick, senior vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Edward Zigler: “I have long believed that the development of a child does not begin the day he is born -or at age three - but much earlier, during the formative years of his parents.” Edward Zigler, Ph.D

--“It is import to help children as much as possible about parenting to help prevent social problems like premature child bearing, and child neglect and abuse. Now that we know more about brain development in the very young, it is critical that we teach our future parents the important role that parents can play in stimulating and nuturing their children, and in preparing them to reach their full potential in school and in later life.” Edward Zigler, Ph.D

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

5 People Who Cared and Nurtured Me: My mom, my aunt, my teachers, my dad, and my church community
Mom: I know my mother cared about me but growing up she worked alot and I spent most of my time with my aunt. My mom made me feel special by always going out her way and giving me something big on my birthday. That was her signature and that is what I remember the most.
Aunt: My aunt took me everywhere and taught me alot. She made me feel special because whatever I asked for she would give it to me.
My teachers: My teachers were very encouraging and made me feel special by going out of their way to keep me on track and reminding me of my talents.
My Dad: My dad was in prison most of my life, but he made me feel special by making sure that I knew I was loved and always being very encouraging and giving me advice about life.
My Church Community: My pastor was my active father figure while my dad was gone and other church members took me under their wings and guided me through lifes difficulties. I felt special because I spent a lot of time with my church members and to me they felt like extended family.

Each relationship that I had as a child still impacts my life because when difficult situations arise, it is the support and encouragement that I remember, and it motivates me to keep going. The difficult times that I went through with my mom working alot and my dad away, also impacts my life today. I work very hard to make sure that I am there for my children no matter what it takes. I know my parents did the best they could given their circumstances. However, I know the void that I felt at times and I don't want my children to have to experience that.
Thankfully, I experienced a tremendous amount of encouragement and support in my childhood; from  members of my community. I realize that if these people had not been a part of my life, my life would have been a lot worse. I was taught early on that I could overcome negative circumstances and I know that to be true today. I am motivated by the impact that these people had on my life and I strive to help others in difficult situations, because I know personally how much it matters.